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Oxford University Supports Right of Professor to Make a Moral Critique of Homosexuality

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, January 09, 2019 and filed under News & Articles

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This news report is evidence that some institutions—as it currently stands—see that homosexuals do not have any special rights in terms of having their beliefs, morals and practices shielded from being critiqued. If there is true equality, then it should apply across the board. For why should critiquing harmful lifestyle and sexual practices which have mountains of empirical evidence against them in the scientific literature be considered hateful and phobic whilst scorning, mocking, abusing, insulting and reviling the Prophets and Messengers of God is considered freedom of speech. People can very easily see through the double standards.

Here is the news report:

Students are demanding Oxford University sacks a Roman Catholic professor for allegedly criticising homosexuality.

They claim essays published by John Finnis, 77, emeritus professor of law and legal philosophy, attack same-sex relations and are ‘discriminatory’.

Campaigners say his presence on campus threatens gay people, and a petition demanding his removal from his academic position has 350 backers so far.

However, Oxford has supported his right to academic freedom.

Professor Finnis, pictured, is one of the world’s foremost thinkers on the philosophy of natural law, and is said to have mentored Right-wing US judge Neil Gorsuch, appointed to the US Supreme Court by Donald Trump in 2017.

Students claim that the professor attacked homosexuality in essays published in 1994 and 2011.

He is said to have compared it to bestiality, which, he wrote, ‘treats human bodily life, in one of its most intense activities, as appropriately lived as merely animal’.

The essay adds: ‘The deliberate genital coupling of persons of the same sex is repudiated for a very similar reason.’

The petition said his role ‘puts a hugely prejudiced man in a position of authority’. But he told The Oxford Student newspaper: ‘I stand by all these writings. There is not a phobic sentence in them.

‘The 1994 essay promotes a classical and strictly philosophical moral critique of all non-marital sex acts.’

The university said: ‘Vigorous academic debate does not amount to harassment when conducted respectfully and without violating the dignity of others.’

Here are some reader comments:

How about sacking some of the students instead? They espouse freedom of speech, but it seems only when it corresponds with their point of view.

You may only hold a good job if you hold the correct views. It might be a good idea to read up on other states where this has been the practice in the past. History really does have warnings....

If students cannot cope with anyone who has a different point of view to their own they are going to struggle throughout their lives no matter how well educated they are. What will happen if a future boss disagrees with them? They will be going from job to job until they finally realise that their point of view has very little value in the wider world. Sad that the education system hasn't taught them that.

There is so much political correctness going on that people cannot speak their mind.

Source: Daily Mail.

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